Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 4 Activity 9

Imagine my surprise when I typed in School Library Leaning 2.0 in Google's blog search and the first hit was my last post! I wish it had been more profound!

For activity #9 I found some school library blogs to add to my RSS. The interesting thing is that Hey Jude from Australia looks identical to the School Library Blogs on SuprGlu. I think I will use these two more than any of the other sites I subscribed to.

The most interesting thing I read on the school library blogs was that there is new legislation at the federal level for school library funding. Currently, our libraries get all the Title V money that comes to our district. It isn't much, but at least we are not sharing it with other places it could legally be spent. I was happy to see that there might be new money coming our way.

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